Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Akamuti - African Black Soap Review

I found Akamuti while trying to find all natural skincare. I took a look at their African black soap, and found it very interesting, because 40% of the soap bar is made form butters, and it is all natural, and seems to have wondrous properties. I decided to order it in 500G, and recied it later but it didn't ship too long since it is located in england. it had barely no smell and the light smell smelt like fresh flowers and trees, etc. I was very satisfide with it, and am still really amazed that they use dried banana core ash instead of lye. I think this is a great product due to its soothingness and creamyness, it also leaves nice skin -not leathery- and is very soft--good for sensitive skin.
Overall, this is what i have to say (out of 5 stars) :
Rating: *****
Summer Use: *****
Spring Use: *****
Fall Use: *****
Winter Use: *****
Smell: ****
Moisturizing: *****
Recommend: Very Much Yes
Yours Truly-
Mila T.


  1. Cool I like it it looks like a large chunk of somthing strange hehe jk sounds good though!! bananas! wow that sounds edible never heard of it until now but srry if Im commenting everywhere on ur page lol mila!
    Love Rose

  2. no, its fine, rose. I am very happy that they say all about it in there very long and explaining article, which i read a few times before buying it.
